Legal information
The website belongs to MTÜ Eesti Turismifirmade Liit (ETFL).
All information is contained on a website where databases, text, designs, and software, protected by copyright-related copyrighted devices. The information contained on the Website may only be used for non-commercial purposes and the reproduction, distribution and other transfer of the information contained on it to third parties without the prior written permission of ETFL is prohibited.
The Website contains links to a third party website that is not owned by ETFL. The links are published for convenience. ETFL does not evaluate the content of linked websites. ETFL has no control and is not responsible for the use of linked websites.
The website uses the TOUREST trademark owned by ETFL. The trademark is protected under trademark law and its use without the prior written permission of ETFL is prohibited.
If you choose to visit this website, you do so on your own initiative and at your own risk, and you are responsible for complying with all applicable laws, rules and regulations.
For information please contact ETFL at