How to gewt there?

We recommend public transport

Buses No 1, 5, 8, 34 ja 38

Lillepaviljon stop

See Timetables
Bus 1 – Viru keskus > Viimsi > >keskus
Buss 5 – Männiku > >Metsakooli tee
Bus 8 – Väike Õismäe > >Äigrumäe
Bus 34 – Viru keskus > > Muuga aedlinn
Bus 38 – Viru keskus > >Muuga


The Exhibition Centre is located on a hillside and the bus stop is under the hillside If you are coming on foot, you will have to climb the stairs to reach the entrance to the exhibition hall.
Wheelchair users will be able to drive to the hillside near the entrance to the exhibition centre. There are no ramps at the stairs. There are 2 special parking spaces cars for the disabled. There is a ramp from the main entrance to the exhibition centre


Parking behind the exhibition centre – EUR/ hour, EUR/ day.

Eesti Näituste messikeskus, Pirita tee 28, 12011 Tallinn